Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • reddymjm
    05-02 03:44 PM
    maybe there are not enough EB3- I cases in the queue ;) ..well one of my friends did get his GC during last fiasco ..eb3 - I, pd 2003. ofcourse there is no unity is every man for himself (And hence save as much as you can while you enjoy life)..and hence don't worry too much ..GC will come when it has to (my friend told me that once ..and I found those words comforting) ...see few of the threads nearby ..people are content talking about dots (I guess since they know nothing will ever happen due to our actions :-) ..and I sort of agree).

    I also guess there are not much cases of EB3 left, atleast till PD dec 2002. Jun filers who ever did not get their GC last summer or fall will be waiting.

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  • like_watching_paint_dry
    12-11 12:19 AM
    This could be one side of story. There were other posts which was mentioning about some fake resumes given by some Indian consultancy companies. So all those are isolated cases and we cannot take into account. I am seeing lot of hard working Americans and Indians as well. Also a family person with 2 kids cannot spend 12 or 16 hours per day compared to Bachlors(Most of the Bachlors who are spending 12 to 16 hours are H1b persons). If assesment is done based on that then that does not make any sense. Then do you thinkyou need to fire more than 35 year Old people and recruit 25 year people That is not American way. This country for long time Top rankholders as well as school dropouts also could survive and Lead a decent quality of life. I knew lot of Indians most of them gc holders and some H1b also those who were just average in skills had tough time in getting job between 2000 to 2004 because of more number of H1B people and also economy was bad. So there is no surprise some Americans also might have similar situation. But past 2 years everybody I knew were able to get job and survive well. This is because of economy and also because of limited H1b. But Corporations are asking too much h1b(unlimited by 20% automatic increase every year and exemption for PhD/MS people). Certainly that will kill the demand in job market and bring down the rates. I think H1B increase should be compromise between demand and supply. Otherwise there is going to be huge opposition. Congress cannot only favor Business. But as a Senator they have to take care of all groups of people. There may be a possiblity that H1b increase may happen but EB relief may not happen not that much strong lobbey from Business compared to H1B. American companies lie Micosoft, Intel culd not get H1B people because Indian consultancy companies grabbed all the H1bs in first few weeks of April and May not because of numbers. So that is a differentind of problem

    Is there something we can do to lobby against unbridled H1B increases?

    Maybe make a deal with our friends on the other side of the fence to lobby together for placing a sharp limit on H1B increase, especially without a corresponding increase in immigration numbers. Combine that with a speedup in eliminating the current backlogs. After all, the worst case scenario for them isn't flooding of H1B's in the market, but those H1B's already here & stuck at low wages and performing at the job levels of highly experienced techies simply because they are stuck because of mobility issues after 6 yrs of H1B.

    It's easy to see that any increase in H1B without clearing the EB pipe will lead to a larger workforce of experienced and exploited workers driving the 5 - 10 year experienced folks wages lower. On the other hand, if the current EB backlog is cleared with very carefully calibrated H1B increases (maybe increase the number of visas for MS folks from the current 20K to 40K or something to relieve the current hiring inability businesses claim to have) would let the tons of people currently stuck to be free to move about and drive the wages up. This is what Numbersusa etc are hoping to see...

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  • TheOmbudsman
    06-26 03:24 PM
    Well, even the traffic/speeing violation may become a crime. It just depends on how many times you keep doing it !

    I am sorry stucklabour but a traffic/speeding violation is a misdemeanour and not breaking the law. Being in this country illegally is actually breaking the law. Now i am not going to get suckered into a whole legals v/s illegals debate, but at some level i do feel that undocumented workers HAVE broken the law. Besides the argument that "everyone does it" really doesnt cut it. 10 wrongs do not make 1 right. If you look at the punishment for the 2 things a speeding violation leads to a simple fine, a violation of Visa leads to deportation.

    Now i personally dont care, whether the US Govt asks the undocumented to stay or leave. What i DO care about is, how we, the legals are treated. So whether the illegals are mexican, indian, chinese, cambodian or actual aliens from Mars, the policy should be: "If you come the right way, you will make it in, if you come the wrong way, you will either NOT make it in at all, OR will have to wait much longer than the people who came in the right way". So poeple pls stop the "racist" remarks against Just the Mexican community and culture. On the other hand the moderators too have to understand that everyone here does have a right to express SOME opinions regarding the undocumented/illegal immigrants. When you see urself and people doing things the right way waiting for years, as opposed to people doing things the wrong way being literally gifted Green cards, it does raise anger and frustration levels.

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 11:09 AM
    Dear Members

    For those of you joining us late, here is some info about this thread.

    1. This is to do our least part to the core IV Team for their selfless sacrifice, for all of us getting the benefits of legal immigration. Note that , Aman Kapoor , the co-founder of IV has done his part by sacrificing $64,000/- from his own personal funds towards the administrative costs of IV. Yes you read it right , it is $64,000/- We come to know from his co-worker that he has sold his house towards running this show for us.

    2. We have not yet figured out a way to reimburse these costs as IV does not yet have administrative costs part of the expenditure allocation, as we understand it. So instead of a wait and watch, we decided to go ahead with collecting the pledge from the members on the amount they are putting forth for reimbursing the amount. Once we come up with a strategy(members we look for your suggestions on how to get this done, please add your comments) we will instruct the members pledged to pay out.

    So do not pay it directly to the IV core funds, yet.

    Please help us spread the message about this thread in other threads by copy and pasting the following in other threads too.

    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman and other core IV member's expenses towards the administrative costs of IV.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?



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  • abracadabra102
    05-10 10:20 AM
    Dear Mr. President:

    This email is to register a strong protect against the visa bulletin released for Jun-09. In the tough time of 2009 that USA is facing, you are trying to do everything you can to protect the futures of the citizens of your country and I admire you for that. I would also like to point out that the visa bulletin pushes back dates for EB2 Indians to Jan-00 which virtually means no green card for Indians unless they are in EB1 category. I have spent almost 9 years in this country, legally. In 2005, I initiated the process for green card through EB immigration. While many others from different countries such as Europe, Asia and also China came here much after I have and contributed less than I have, they have gotten their green cards much sooner than I have and some of them have even become citizens. When I say I, a lot of my fellow citizens also face this unjust separate queue for Indians.

    Please help me understand as to how someone from country A having a longer queue than country B coupled with an indefinite time wait is a fair and equitable treatment?

    I understand that you feel sensitive to protect jobs of Americans in these tough economic times, however; it is beyond comprehension that while citizens of all other countries are being welcomed with no wait for green card in employment based category that there are virtually no green cards left for any Indian, even for those who have stayed here longest.

    My message may or may not ever reach you but, I wanted to register a strong protest against unjust treatment meted out to me in the area of immigration.



    I know you mean well and trying to do something. But, please do not send this letter.
    The purpose of this letter is to impress the person you are sending this to. You do not do that by protesting and complaining. Your letter need to be professional, courteous and grammatically correct and pleasant to read. Remember, the purpose is to impress and sell your point of view to President himself. Poorly drafted letter may actually have a negative impact, especially when we are claiming ourselves as skilled professionals.
    Achoo makes good points in other post. This is not to insult you and I know English is not our first language and most of us struggle with it including myself. But we should make an effort to get this right.

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  • confu
    08-04 01:35 PM
    I got my card today.
    It starts on the next day of my old cards expiry date.
    Validity is for one year only though.

    What is your application PD and Category?


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  • gbof
    05-10 12:50 PM
    I think it is ironic that we (from India) complain about quota on GC when we are the masters of quotas whether it be in education, workplace, politics etc. I myself was not affected by quotas in India, but I know several friends who were, simply because they were born in "upper caste" and therefore had to be denied opportunities as "revenge" for the injustice meted out by their ancestors several centuries ago, instead of being based on economics.

    I personally think GC quota has a rationale behind it. It allows for a reasonable share to go to smaller countries so that the US population maintains its diversity. Besides, near the end of the year, if the numbers are unused, they are rolled over to larger countries like India and China, thereby automatically eliminating the quota.

    EB based GC should NOT have Quota (.) We are already IN the system. How will it effect diversity. Diversity visa are meant for divesrsity. EB is skill based and only skill should be cared for,

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  • SGP
    09-27 09:45 AM
    saw an interesting video on youtube the other day. The first thing that came to mind was the eb2-eb3 fights. If only we can fight together rather than each other ! ;)

    youtube - every indian must see this video ( exellent one. United we stand divided we fall. The british too took advantage of our non-unity. Let's learn a lesson from our history.:)


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  • waitingonlc
    06-07 01:55 AM
    Filed on June,01,2007

    My Attorney had sent my files on 05/31/07 and they were delivered at NSC on june,01,2007 and waiting for the receipt numbers.

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  • Honda
    09-09 10:30 PM
    We want to do some thing for elimination of backlogs Especially for EB3 - India Else we wont see any more progress.

    All EB3 people please share your thoughts to resolve this issue.


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  • anzerraja
    07-20 10:14 AM

    Can you PM me your email id so we can work out the things with this thread.

    Yeah sure we can extend this till monday..Is somebody keeping track of people and their pledge amount?

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  • hoolahoous
    08-20 10:44 PM
    Okay guys.. now the journey is over for me. I finally got my physical cards in mail. for some reason I never got CPO email/text. All I got decision and post decision emails. Since it had been couple of weeks since decision I was getting uneasy (because of no CPO).. but I got physical cards in mail today !

    best of luck to everyone waiting.


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  • GCStatus
    09-17 02:43 PM
    GCStatus, I think Prashanthg's point is a valid one but that in no way means that we should not sue USCIS for what all they have been doing all these years. This in fact will help us prepare our case even more stronger against USCIS. It is best we ourselves find all the gaps we might have while we proceed with this case instead of them coming onto the issue.

    I would suggest everyone who ofcourse is in favor or in doubt to bring forward the issues they think we need to cover while we move on with this.


    Pamposh - Point is not we getting money, idea is getting it back from USCIS. Whoever paid it, USCIS got it. Moreover, money is not the only issue. There are quite a few as we listed before.

    We are making great progress. Lets keep it going. Its ideal, we dont waste our energy on these.

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  • kannan
    01-08 08:42 PM
    Mine is NSC to CA, Still in CA only,opened 2 SR for FP,no use.Anybody is still in CA


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  • nikh
    08-13 10:58 PM
    On aug 9 th, USCIS nebraska center issued a total of 4063 receipt nos for 485, EAD, and APs.
    see the link http://.com/discuss/485eb/20866725/
    From this, if we assume ~4000/day, it ll take 20 working days to clear july 2nd filers (~80,000). My guess is by 31st Aug.

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  • nishanttambe
    11-17 04:42 PM
    Done. But while sending email to friends, I got below messages
    "Your message can not contain URL", this was right above the message box.


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  • desi3933
    06-29 08:51 AM
    The link in my earlier post is a job advertisement which clearly states that EAD folks need not apply. There are 1000s of folks out there who are eligible for that position, but for the EAD restriction.

    My question is -
    what are these "1000s of folks" doing? Are they waiting for someone else to work for their cause?

    If they believe they were wronged, they need to take action. Without any action, nothing is going to happen.

    And, yes, these is discrimination on the both side of the lines. Have you looked at the hiring practices of leading desi outsourcing/consulting companies in the US?

    Not a legal advice.

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  • spulavarthi
    08-15 12:50 PM
    Yesterday rcv'd email card production.

    RD 06/16/2008
    ND 06/18/2008
    PD Feb 2006.

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  • new2gc
    09-03 11:41 AM
    Hi - I currently have my H1B(H4 for my wife) valid till Mar 2011 and EAD expires on 10/15/08.

    Can I skip the renewal process for now and apply for EAD later?

    My lawyer says it is OK to skip for now and apply for EAD/AP anytime as long as I-485 is pending.

    Please advise.


    02-10 09:47 AM

    Sanjay and I are going to contribute additional $25.00 each as soon as we reach $1000.00, and will keepon contributing $25 for every $1000.00 collected.

    We need about $81.00 to reach to $1000.00.

    Only 26 contributors so far..... out of 20k-30K strong members!!!!!!!!!!!
    buck-up IVans


    12-11 12:33 PM
    12/10/2006: The President Signed Yesterday Continuing Resolution Bill, H.J. 102

    The President swiftly signed this bill yesterday so that operation of the federal government be not negatively affected nor disrupted. None of immigration-related bills was apparently attached to this bill. When the new Congress returns on January 4, 2007, one of the top agenda will remain pending appropriation bills for various federal departments and agencies, which they should take care of by February 15, 2007. There is a chance that some immigration legislations such as H-1B relief can still be attached to one of these appropriation bills. People may recall that when the Senate-passed S.1932 died not too long past for its failure to pass the House, the H-1B and L-1 Reform Acts were introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (TX) and the Congress easily passed the bill as a rider to the Omnibus Spending bill! Considering the fact that the business and academic communities can feel urgency more tangibly in the H-1B crisis as an imminent issue affecting their businesses "here and now," as opposed to EB immigrant issue which may be considered a long-term issue, the negative impact of which may be not necessarily imminently visible and tangible as relaed to their businesses "here and now." In this regard, the H-1B legislation can be taken out of the ill-fated SKIL bill and passed earlier than SKIL-type of EB immigration bill or CIR. We will see how things will unfold.

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