Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • jkays94
    05-04 02:17 PM
    Here are the relevant parts of the transcript ( :

    COOPER: Rising gas prices aren't the only thing causing heartburn this election year. Immigration reform is close behind. The battle at the border has spread into the heartland and across the country. Some politicians already paying the price. Ahead, we'll get a reality check from the best political team around.

    Plus, a brazen break in the border. They've actually poured concrete here and they've formed steps which makes it easier for whoever was bringing drugs into the United States, actually climb up through the tunnel.

    Tunnel built by drug runners. We showed it to you back in January. Now there's a new development in the story. What's going to happen to the tunnel? We'll bring you the latest next on 360.


    COOPER: Those pictures, of course, from Monday's massive immigration demonstrations. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and their supporters in the streets. They wanted to show their economic power. They hoped that would translate into political power. But now some critics are saying it's actually had the opposite effect, creating a backlash. And in at least one city so far the issue has already cost a Mayor his job. Here's CNN's Candy Crowley.


    CANDY CROWLEY, SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: This is where day laborers, mostly immigrants, legal and not, hang out looking for work in Herndon, Virginia. It may not look like an election issue, but last night, voters threw out their mayor and two city council members who pushed for the day labor center. This is the new mayor.

    STEVE DEBENEDITTIS, HERNDON VIRGINIA MAYOR-ELECT: Welcome immigrants, but they have concerns, valid concerns, about illegal immigration.

    CROWLEY: Fewer than 3,000 people voted in Herndon. Just about 24 hours after the nation watched hundreds of thousands of immigrants, legal and not, demonstrate across the country.

    FRANK SHARRY, EXEC. DIR., NATIONAL IMMIGRATION FORUM: I've never known a politician who wasn't attracted to a large crowd. And these have been some pretty large crowds.

    CROWLEY: True enough, it was evidence that the immigrant community can galvanize itself. The question is, to what end? Congress is reading the tea leaves.

    SEN. HARRY REID, (D) MINORITY LEADER: I personally believe very, very fervently that they have helped, helped picture this issue in the minds of the American people in a positive fashion.

    CROWLEY: Tea leaf reading is not an exact science, particularly in an election year where frankly democrats would be better off if the republican-led congress did nothing.

    SHARRY: I think the congress is going to have a lot of explaining to do if they don't end this session with a good comprehensive bill.

    CROWLEY: Republicans desperate for something to tout as accomplishment, anxious not to alienate core conservative voters, are afraid the demonstrations harden conservative opposition to anything that smacks of a break for illegals. SEN. MEL MARTINEZ, (R) FLORIDA: I believe at the end of the day we'll see that it really had a negative effect and it backfired on those of us who are trying to move forward something that is comprehensive but yet in middle course.

    CROWLEY: Senator Mel Martinez of Florida says since Monday's demonstrations calls to his office have run 10 to 1 against his bill providing tougher border security and a pathway to citizenship after hurdles are jumped.

    JOHN FUNU, WALL STREET JOURNAL: The boycott has so heated up the measure that we're not going to have any bill this year. It's simply poisoned the well.

    CROWLEY: As Washington lawmakers struggle with the political weight of all those demonstrations --

    SEN. JOHN CORNYN, (R) TEXAS: It wasn't clear exactly what the message was. And I think in some ways it tended to polarize people.

    CROWLEY: Herndon, Virginia, is already discussing changes to ensure the day labor center cannot be used by illegals. The problem with tea leaves is, you never know which ones to read. Candy Crowley, CNN, Washington.


    COOPER: Well, earlier I spoke with Candy Crowley along with John Roberts and John King, part of the best political team on television.


    COOPER: John Roberts, what are the prospects for getting immigration reform this year?

    JOHN ROBERTS, SR. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That would depend on who you talk to. Some republicans who want to put a good spin on this say that it's possible that they can get it done. It might even be possible that they could get it done by the August recess. Other people including the White House are much more pessimistic about it saying they don't expect anything to happen until after the November election.

    COOPER: Candy, I mean could these demonstrations really have backfired and derailed a compromised deal, even among those who support some sort of reform?

    CROWLEY: Absolutely. I mean, the problem really is, first of all, the politics are that the democrats would rather have the issue at this point because it's an election year than a bill. The republicans would like a bill because it will be an accomplishment, but they have problems with their conservative core. And the people we talked to said listen, the demonstrations backfired. It left -- people looked and said well they're not working, and they're out demonstrating. You know, fair or not, the conservative core sort of toughened up. It seemed to have hardened both sides of this debate. COOPER: John King, a lot of talk, too about all the Mexican flags out in the street. Obviously there were a lot of American flags where organizers really tried to get American flags out there. But that certainly angers a lot of people. What are you hearing from the people you talked to in Washington?

    JOHN KING, CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, that tactic, as Candy just noted, there is a backfiring from these demonstrations. And that tactic in particular has emboldened conservatives. Remember the key question here is, if they can get a bill through the senate, can they then get the house to embrace a more liberal immigration policy? The house members, most are from safe conservative districts. And back home in their districts they didn't feel all that much pressure to begin with. And what they are saying now is that this sends an anti-American signal.
    If these people want legal status in the United States, they should be holding American flags, they should be demonstrating for rights in the United States not celebrating Mexico or El Salvador. So to that degree, while the masses in the streets certainly showed the emerging political power and potential political power of the Latino vote, that symbol has helped the opponents of this measure especially in the house. It has simply stiffened the resolve of conservatives who say no to any new broad immigration reform.

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  • indianabacklog
    11-10 04:04 PM
    You can volunteer in a role that is always undertaken by individuals who are volunteers, such as in a hospital setting. In reality if you are volunteering for a for profit they are really getting unpaid assistance which technically should be done by an employee.

    If you go serve dinners at a homeless mission or work as a hospital volunteer for example then you are just fine.

    I do have this information from a lawyer incidentally as this question arose in our family.

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  • tinuverma
    03-17 01:44 PM
    Thanks for the response Tom. What if I want to use my EAD card and not do an H1 transfer. Is that going to be a problem?

    There is no requirement for number of employees. You need to make sure the company is financially capable to do H1. You must make sure you get salary equal or above the salary offered in your LC. And also the job duties are same or similar.

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  • smuggymba
    10-07 09:59 PM
    Always keep a soft copy of the approval notices with you. I have paystubs on ADP so I can pull it online any time. At my previous comp, all my payslips where on the intranet.

    USCIS's plan is to harrass, ours is to defend. We chose this by coming here. Chill out, don't worry too much.


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  • needhelp!
    02-15 04:39 PM
    May you have plenty of supporters coming your way.

    I am happy to report that one brave Dallas member called up and we both will be collecting letters at the DFW Temple on Sunday.

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  • unseenguy
    06-16 01:12 AM
    I agree with above posters.

    Ask for shorter duration visa.
    leave siblings out
    Show strong financial position to supprt their stay in US
    Show strong ties to home country. (leaving siblings out & adding grandparents care is a good thing), but also show strong monetory ties such as property in home country.


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  • needhelp!
    08-31 12:38 AM
    Just like there can be no rally without IV members,
    There can be no (hypothetical) country without IV members

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  • dazed378
    04-07 08:40 PM
    Guess what I discovered today? I found the filled in W7 form and notarized copies of my wife's passport in my house. All this while I was so confident that I did send the W7 form along with tax return form, but it turned out I forgot to do so :(. I called IRS and they told me that I need to fill in Amended Tax Return form (Form 1040X) now. On the contrary, my tax preparer (CPA) is saying I just need to resend Form 1040 and W7 and there is no need to amend as there is no change in figures. Whose words should I follow now? Please advise.


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  • whatamidoinghere
    03-26 10:04 PM

    Does anyone know if people on H4 are allowed to work unpaid? For example, can a person on an H4 visa file for an H1B visa with a start date of October 1st, 2007 but work on a volunteer basis (i.e., unpaid) at the same job while waiting for the H1B to come?


    H4 can do volunteer work for non-profit organizations only.

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  • coopheal
    02-11 11:35 AM
    Thank you for your input Pappu and we appreciate your diligence in the efforts to IV. However the question is: will this bill have the potential to move forward?

    As I last recall, Zoe Lofgreen had tried a similar bill 3 years ago (2008) that would have eliminated visa backlog, but we all know that bill went no where.

    At this point in time, does this bill have the potential to bring aboard the change we all are seeking for so long? I hope it does. As this journey has been quiet long and tedious.

    Thank you

    There are reasons why IV take certain bills and do not focus on others. The main reason being chances of it getting passed in way or form which will help our situations.

    Even then there are no guarantees that any bill will pass.


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  • saro28
    11-02 09:19 AM
    Now my Lawyer is advising me to include the old fees and a new application with a letter stating motion to refile seeking correction. He is insisting on us to send the fees ($350) again. Any suggestions? Can I send it directly to INS?

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  • NKR
    04-15 08:50 PM
    Congratulations, I am happy for you.


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  • leoindiano
    08-04 09:37 PM
    I-140 receipt will not have A#. Only approval notice will have it. In the beneficiary column along with name of the person.

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  • senthil1
    04-15 01:40 PM

    Your post does look like anti immigrant who want to make fun of potential immigrants or undermining US citizenship by immigrants. I hope those observations are incorrect

    Hello, I think I made a mistake. I recently went from GC to citizenship and it cost me my job. I was
    fired shortly after becoming a citizen. I am from a country other than yours. Sorry about that. There is no particular website that represents immigration from the country I immigrated from.

    The employer replaced me with a visa card holder. After I trained him, I was fired and my boss was fired.

    I am a skilled programmer with advanced degree. Employers from the website refuse to even acknowledge my resumes. Being unemployed is no way to be a new citizen. So I am ready to give up searching and move to India,in search of programming work. All I want to do is write code. I do not desire to make a point or to annoy anyone, I just want to work and write source code and try to get on with my life.

    What are my chances to find work with the giant IT corporations of India? I am ready to move today. Can I revoke my US citizenship and immigrate to your country??? Sorry sorry sorry if this offends anyone, I do not mean to annoy any of you. I just want to have a job and write code and I will be on my way.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, for permitting me to present my delima to this your website.


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  • abe1
    01-06 09:18 AM
    I understand that this bill many not pass or even move any forward. I thought two senior senators from both parties showing interest in this topic is a great opportunity for IV to present our case in a different light. We have been clamoring about the difficulties we are facing because of the present delay in green card processing. Unfortunately this is only our problem and no one else really has to be bothered about it. If we present our case in a mutually beneficial point of view perhaps some of the politicians will have little more interest in our situation. Remember JFK�s famous words��Ask not what the country can do for you�.� If we write to Senators Kerry and Lugar now, even if the bill does not pass, they will consider our situation slightly differently next time CIR or another immigration bill is introduced in the congress. I think IV ought to present our case in all different angles possible rather than the one way approach of expecting mercy in our situation. Most importantly, I think the premise of the proposed Kerry/Lugar bill is very much applicable the folks in IV. Aren�t many people in this forum waiting for an opportunity to do some business on their own? That is how new immigrants in America have always been. We shouldn�t be any different. I am sure we cannot bring in the capital that senators are looking for. But why don�t they view us slightly differently?

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  • guyfromsg
    07-18 08:34 PM
    I am in the same situation. I just got the tracking number from my lawyer for the fedex that he had sent on June 30 and he has sent it to Dallas . I live and work in California. I went through the Direct Filing press release and the USCIS link : D&vgnextchannel=fe529c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    and now I am confused as to whether my lawyer did the right thing or its ok to send the application to Dallas??

    Anyone any thoughts???

    Here is my opinion. I read in some posts that they will redirect the document internally to the correct processing center. The direct filing rule comes into effect on July 30th and they may be strict about filing center after that. As I said this is my opinion. Let me see if I can find the official answer in USCIS site.


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  • micofrost
    07-16 05:59 PM

    Another mess in creation or what. Whatever AILA/AILF is publishing is in stark contrast to IV and others.
    What the hell is happening. I would love to believe IV but would hate to ignore AILA. IS AILA screwing up because they need some financial reimbursement too. From their press release, looks like we have a long ride ahead.

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  • H4_losing_hope
    04-15 04:28 PM
    Hi folks,

    Just got back from UK on Friday after a month of family time, medicals and our embassy interview! Wanted to let you all know that we were approved and happily back in the US!!

    Congrats on the latest admin wins and movements in campaigns/projects. I wanted to say a huge thank you but not farewell to the many kind folks who kept my spirits high in the short time I have been with IV:
    abhijitp, needhelp, digital2k, paskal, gsc999, waiting4gc, pappu, chanduv23, santb1975, nolaindian32, walking dude, ja1hind, logiclife and many more. All of you rock and America is very lucky to have such genuine and brilliant people like you. I wish you the very best for your own journey.

    I will be around for sure, just have to concentrate on securing some work and life for a bit, finally!

    my best :)

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  • Refugee_New
    10-13 04:04 PM
    The very first time I went in formals (for my F1 visa). After that I've been to the consulate seven times, and its always been in jeans and t shirt. Next time I'm thinking of going Tarzan style. It will save me the security hassle and will serve as a good respite from the Chennai heat.

    How about spiderman style? Undies outside

    05-28 10:33 AM
    i vote for soul he is the best ugly site maker i ever saw !~!!:)

    05-12 01:02 PM
    Sent to 40 media orgs in Nevada.

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