Thursday, June 30, 2011

billy the kid

images Listen to Billy The Kid via billy the kid. My Friend, Billy the Kid
  • My Friend, Billy the Kid

  • Lasantha
    02-05 03:03 PM
    I used David Cohen at
    (But he might charge you for a consultation)

    Can't your Canadian lawyer who handled your application confirm this?

    You can also go to Google Groups for Canadian Immigration and find more info there.

    Thanks Lasantha,
    I am the primary Applicant. And my wife is secondary applicant. Can u send me any links or a lawyers contact so i can confirm it

    wallpaper My Friend, Billy the Kid billy the kid. Billy the Kid.
  • Billy the Kid.

  • nogreen4decade
    08-31 05:43 PM
    You are being promoted as a fool from being an ignorant. The promotion is just for your assumption that all Southies do coding !!!

    All you freaking South Indians can do is sit on your ass and code all day long .... As soon as you fellows open your mouth we all get how intelligent you guys are .... As for drawing the line between North and South - Can we just seperate the Telugu, Kanada, Tamil and Malayalam people from the North and the rest of us Northeners will be just fine :)

    billy the kid. a.k.a. quot;Billy the Kid?
  • a.k.a. quot;Billy the Kid?

  • GCStatus
    09-13 09:36 PM
    I am willing to FUND every last dollar i can. Its a noble cause. I hope the same from you. We hope we have tonnes of hands.

    Yes, It doesnt matter, we are going for it.

    2011 Billy the Kid. billy the kid. Billy the Kid acquire such
  • Billy the Kid acquire such

  • skynet2500
    09-11 11:33 PM
    Congratulations to everyone who is getting their applications approved.

    My PD is Aug 2006 and I might have a remote chance of getting approved this month. Can someone give me the customer service number to talk about the 485 status. I keep seeing that many people talk to the customer service and get updates on the case. My case is pending at TSC. Thanks a lot.


    billy the kid. illy the kid grave.
  • illy the kid grave.

  • gk_2000
    07-20 04:27 PM
    Correct me If I am wrong

    out of 45K members let's assume 22.5 K are EB2 and 22.5 K are EB3.

    Even If 11.25K (EB2)+11.25K (EB3) = 22.5 K (Total) contributes $25 Each Problems gets solved ... but the catch is ....

    Even 11.25 K EB2 members are not contributing because they don't have to as their problem is solved

    Even 11.25 K EB3 members are not contributing because they are not sure even with this contribution their problems gets solved.

    Many people are saying that EB3 members are not contributing that's why you are lagging etc...

    EB3 Members who contributed are feeling the pain because even after contribution they are not getting the results and EB2 members who didn't contributed are getting the results...

    Could you elaborate on how the money will solve the problem? If we could make a laundry list of action items and cost for each, we could do an extensive email campaign among all our members and convince them to contribute

    More people will contribute if and when they get a clear picture of how the money will work for them

    And no, I am not making any statement here throwing suspicions and distrust or ill will. This is a suggestion for improving the contributions, which is coming across as a weak area

    billy the kid. Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
  • Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid

  • waitforevergc
    05-09 09:35 PM

    Excellent letter. Thanks for sending it.

    I am also going to sent a similar letter to WhiteHouse. But I am very certain it might not reach the intended people, what harm will it cause in trying.

    Others..please let us all write letters, if more people write, someone will take notice.



    billy the kid. BILLY THE KID, $16.99
  • BILLY THE KID, $16.99

  • karthiknv143
    09-28 02:32 PM D

    2010 a.k.a. quot;Billy the Kid? billy the kid. Listen to Billy The Kid via
  • Listen to Billy The Kid via

  • AK_GC
    02-10 04:32 PM
    Unique Transaction ID #0LL24091H0267991J


    billy the kid. Garrett and Billy the Kid
  • Garrett and Billy the Kid

  • chmur
    07-27 12:08 AM
    If someone tries to re-interprete, it will end up like:EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB2I -> EB3 I, still no real benefit to EB3 I; only EB2 I will loose with some benefit to EB3 ROW.

    That is your take ....or they could end up distributing the spill over Visas equally among all EB categories because the original quota is equally distributed too. This benefits both EB3 and EB2.

    Please do not try to pass on your opinions as facts ...they are not.

    hair Billy the Kid acquire such billy the kid. The Cast of Billy the Kid
  • The Cast of Billy the Kid

  • EB3_SEP04
    08-12 06:20 PM
    Just got an email that EAD card production ordered
    when did u file? Paper filed to Texas (as the thread title says)?


    billy the kid. illy kid. illy the kid
  • illy kid. illy the kid

  • hoolahoous
    08-27 06:22 PM
    GC comes with a 'sleeve' to keep the card safely. The pouch in the sleeve have special silver lining to prevent 'de-magnetisation' over the period. Please, take due care as its not easy to get replacement.

    I was advised so, at SSA. As I was about to put the card in my wallet (Ya, I went to SSA to update my ssn) gentleman at the window interrupted me. I thought I should share this small tip with IVian fella.

    Good luck to everyone !!

    it is not to prevent 'de-magnetization' but to prevent rfid communication. All new passport and other govt id 'cards' ship with rfid chip in them which contains encrypted biometrics info. Since rfid info can be read even 10 meters away with right equipment, it is better to put it in a metallic sleeve (creating a Faraday cage) to prevent anyone from sniffing then biometrics info.
    here is more info ..

    SecureIDNews | New U.S. 'Green Card' using optical stripe, RFID technology (

    edit: some additional info, mythbusters did a segment on the myth of demagentized credit card. It would take a really very strong magnet to demagnetize the strip, definitely not the kind you would carry in your pocket.

    hot illy the kid grave. billy the kid. Requiem for BILLY THE KID
  • Requiem for BILLY THE KID

  • jsb
    09-05 10:50 AM
    My question to you is " Will TSC send the receipt number documnets directly to me or to my Attorney?"


    You authorized your attorney to be your legal rep (form G-28), so receipts will go to him/her


    house Billy the Kid Roy Rogers billy the kid. Billy the Kid vs. illy
  • Billy the Kid vs. illy

  • glus
    11-18 08:42 AM
    email sent.

    tattoo Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid billy the kid. Billy the Kid in Lincoln.
  • Billy the Kid in Lincoln.

  • amitjoey
    05-23 12:33 PM
    Sent Emails to 2+ 10 senators.


    pictures BILLY THE KID, $16.99 billy the kid. Notorious outlaw Billy the Kid
  • Notorious outlaw Billy the Kid

  • mygc2006
    08-20 01:19 PM
    Priority Date - Aug 2002
    EAD Renewal Mailed - Aug 5, 2008
    Received by USCIS - Aug 9,2008
    Last LUD - Aug 19, 2008

    dresses Requiem for BILLY THE KID billy the kid. Billy the Kid – Official
  • Billy the Kid – Official

  • test101
    07-09 06:47 PM

    Now we should let the media know . Walter Reed ! could not ask for a better place. The Patient and soldier deserve it . My heart goes to them as an RN.


    makeup Garrett and Billy the Kid billy the kid. Billy the Kid Roy Rogers
  • Billy the Kid Roy Rogers

  • abhisam
    02-02 04:18 PM
    I think you have made a great decision asdcrajnet. Best wishes for all your future endeavours (note the "u" in the spelling :-))

    I will be following you pretty soon. I should be there by December 2011! I would like to provide a small piece of advice to others who are contemplating moving back but haven't made the decision yet.

    Before that, a little bit about my story- I came to the US in April 2005 with the intention of living here for five years and then returning back for good. I told my brother about my intentions, which for some reason made him laugh. He said 90% of the people intend to "move back in five years" but never actually do. You have kids here and then they grow up and start going to school. Then you feel your kids will not adjust to schooling in India, and you end up living here. I didn't care so much about his comments until two years later. My brother again asked me - so when are you moving back? I said - in another five years. Holy S***!!! I never realized when my five year plan became a seven year plan!!!

    So now coming to my word of advice - set a hard date and work towards that date! Don't just say "in a couple of years"! In December 2006 I set my return date to April 2012 and started working towards it. I started thinking seriously about what I wanted to do in India, what I needed to do here now to improve my chances of succeeding in India, etc. I asked my wife to answer the same questions about her career in India (by the way, it's our joint decision to move back!). I will be starting my own business when I move back. I have already identified partners, made some connections in Mumbai and have started talking to potential customers. I will be making a brief visit to Mumbai later in March, and am planning to move back for good by December 2011.

    So if you are serious about moving, set a hard date and work towards it. Otherwise, five year plans become seven, ten, fifteen year plans and you end up living here for good (nothing wrong with that by the way, if that's your intention)!

    - abhisam

    girlfriend Billy the Kid in Lincoln. billy the kid. Requiem for Billy the Kid - 11
  • Requiem for Billy the Kid - 11

  • senthil1
    12-12 08:24 PM
    If we see the history H1B and GC numbers were never increased except 2004 20k inpast 15 years In 2000 it was increasd temporarlily for 4 years.Also EB numbers were never increased except temporary reliefs.If it is increased by Skill bill in current form that is really an acheivement. If there is a possiblity they may increase H1B because that is temorary visa(But in reallity not) and GC numbers may remain same. But if increased to 115k then also cap will be reached in another 1 month because there are more number of Desi companies than number of H1Bs. Thats why they are asking exemptions for MS people and 20% adjustment for every year. We have to wait and see whether congress fall on this trap to do this without analysing the impact.

    hairstyles illy kid. illy the kid billy the kid. poster for Billy the Kid,
  • poster for Billy the Kid,

  • somegchuh
    10-08 05:37 PM
    I see three groups emerging in this disucssion:

    1. We applied labor in 2002/3/4. Therefore, GC should be PD based.
    2. We applied labor in 2001/2/3 but had to reapply in 2005/6, therefore GC should be based on number of years in US.
    3. Govt should "end retrogression" and give green cards to everyone.

    I can understand the rationale of all three groups: they want things to work the way it will benefit them. In some way the rationale of first two groups can be justified also.

    What I am having trouble with third "end retrogression". What does it exactly mean? There are only limited number of GC's per country. Are you talking about merging all the countries into one queue? I am not sure if ROW applicants will like that because that might set them back. Are we talking about raising the per country caps? How do you accomplish this "end retrogression".

    gjoe/and others,

    No one's trying to cut the line here. If there's any, it's purely procedural and has nothing to do with 'Ending Retrogression'. With or without retrogression someone might get an RFE, get stuck in namecheck etc. Ending retrogression provides earlier PDs better chances of getting GC faster (if dates are 'C' you get it the month you clear RFE, Name check etc.)

    Just posting here isn't helping you cause. Instead you guys can get together and start sending flowers to USCIS director requesting him to publish the complete list of GC applications approved every year. It's the first step in enforcing FIFO. Right now there is no such list and no way of knowing who got their GC out of turn. And while you guys are at it also send some flowers to FBI to clear Namechecks FIFO, to DOL to approve PERM petitions FIFO etc.

    Go spend those $50 at folks. Start writing to Senators, collect money, do the lobbying etc. Who's stopping you?

    Or do you want logiclife, pappu and rest of the IV core to do it PRO BONO for you?

    07-26 03:03 PM
    Did you send out the latest letters...I am getting a positive feed back ..that approximately at least 500 letters have gone out..we started to make noise.. and we will see the results eventually...More action items will follow in comming weeks..Dont forget the high five though campaign though ;)

    But I was just curious about how you came to know that approximately 500 letters have gone by now?

    Thank you

    09-22 04:09 PM
    I applied 1st EAD renewal for myself and my wife in August 4th. Still waiting.

    Service Center: TSC
    Mailed Date: August 4th.
    USCIS Recived: August 6th.
    Notice Date: August 13th.

    Online shows as USCIS received those on the August 12th. Still waiting on EAD approval.

    We mailed the AP documents for our family along with the EAD apps. APs for my wife and son were approved on the August 17th. Still waiting on the approval of AP for me.

    I suspect who was processing our cases had gone on a big vacation.

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