Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • Viktor
    07-20 12:01 AM
    I contributed $100 to IV just yesterday, I did not see this post before.

    I think its wrong to let someone bear the burden alone for something thats a shared objective.

    Count me in for the pledge

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  • Ushakiran
    05-10 01:28 PM
    Apparently, that guy is from ROW, and pretend being an Indian. otherwise, why he does not know India itself is a huge country with so many different languages, cultures, etc? isn't that diverse enough?

    EB based GC should NOT have Quota (.) We are already IN the system. How will it effect diversity. Diversity visa are meant for divesrsity. EB is skill based and only skill should be cared for,

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  • Shaikhtabrez
    07-12 01:01 PM
    New Traps for Aliens Filing for a Green Card (

    does this mean one cannot use wad for primary job?

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  • govindk
    07-04 10:02 AM
    Congratulations! Enjoy your independence :)


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  • delax
    12-17 10:18 AM
    Was a little disillusioned with the whole name check process and I called USCIS yesterday. My wife cleared her name check, but mine is pending. It was initiated for both of us on Sept 26. I am not worried at all although it would not be true if I said that I was never worried.

    This is an irrational, unscientific and to a great extent arbitrary process - and by that I mean the entire green card process. Added to that is the never ending desire to beat the process - read labor substitution and PD porting. I have neither tried it nor do I intend to do it. Before people start piling on and I get accused of a holier than thou attitude, I am only expressing an opinion (not a value judgement) in an open forum. The last time I checked, a forum was meant to do just that.

    Objectively thinking my emotional stability and that of my family is a lot dearer than a piece of plastic, especially when none of the steps in the process are within my control.

    Yes I can contribute, lobby, send letters etc and make an attempt to get the process under my control - but I think its an indvidual decision whether someone wants to contribute, lobby, write letters etc - I did attend the DC rally though. Obviously the opportunity to express my opinion here has been provided by IV and I am grateful for that.

    All that I care about right now is to make sure my wife graduates from school, is able to work, we can travel as a family and enjoy this country. The rest is like trying to find two grains of wheat in two bushels of chaff.

    Just my 2 cents - Good luck with your green card process.

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  • mirage
    03-06 04:31 PM
    And worst is the lottery...What pisses me off is that there are 220,000 visa numbers every year for family based GCs while skilled immigrants get only 140,000. Nothing wrong with immigrants wanting to bring immediate family members but this is causing nothing but chain migration. I think USA give more GCs to cab drivers than skilled immigrants.


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  • gsc999
    07-06 08:27 PM
    As soon as we have confirmation of date and time and location/route, I will send out newsletters to all CA, NV, AZ and OR members who wish to participate. This is going to be good.

    Sure, I will join the tomorrows march organized by fightnow. Since it is short notice for many IV members there may not be many of us there, but please feel free to join if you can. There are lot of IV members in San Jose.

    Tomorrow's event will help me to finalize the location/route. I will report back tomorrow evening with updates regarding that.

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  • anzarafaq
    03-07 09:27 PM
    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:


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  • gk_2000
    07-20 04:27 PM
    Correct me If I am wrong

    out of 45K members let's assume 22.5 K are EB2 and 22.5 K are EB3.

    Even If 11.25K (EB2)+11.25K (EB3) = 22.5 K (Total) contributes $25 Each Problems gets solved ... but the catch is ....

    Even 11.25 K EB2 members are not contributing because they don't have to as their problem is solved

    Even 11.25 K EB3 members are not contributing because they are not sure even with this contribution their problems gets solved.

    Many people are saying that EB3 members are not contributing that's why you are lagging etc...

    EB3 Members who contributed are feeling the pain because even after contribution they are not getting the results and EB2 members who didn't contributed are getting the results...

    Could you elaborate on how the money will solve the problem? If we could make a laundry list of action items and cost for each, we could do an extensive email campaign among all our members and convince them to contribute

    More people will contribute if and when they get a clear picture of how the money will work for them

    And no, I am not making any statement here throwing suspicions and distrust or ill will. This is a suggestion for improving the contributions, which is coming across as a weak area

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  • manderson
    10-05 10:34 AM
    Did anyone see Byron Dorgan's (Democratic Senator from North Dakota)interview on Stephen Colbert last night? This guy just wrote an anit-outsourcing book ( --no I am not plugging his book!) and he is full of 'they stole our jobs' rhetoric. This is typical outsourcing/globalization-bashing democratic mentality and it's disturbing to seeit still persists 2 years after Presedential elections.

    Am I the only one who thinks that if Democratics takes over the House, we are screwed?


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  • zoooom
    07-20 11:47 AM
    HI Anzerraja,
    Just pm you..reply when u get a chance.

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  • realist
    02-03 10:30 AM

    I think, people used the reservation system to get their degrees in India should be pushed back in the GC line. What do you all say?

    Just kidding :-)

    Good Luck trying to explain reservation system to the USCIS to implement your plan! How many years would we have to wait - for the USCIS to learn the system and execute it :D
    Kidding too!


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  • simple1
    05-01 03:21 PM
    I second that. Technically they should not be. thanks MCQ, H1 and H4 is a great example
    If at all they are counted they must be counted in FB2A not EB.

    Honestly, I don’t care if they are counted or not. Why would 5 year old kid get counted in EB quota. I don’t get it.

    as long as they are not counted in EBquota. There is no legal basis for that. Or atleast I could not find one.

    I have long been of the opinion - told to me by an immigration lawyer, that when you file your I-485 when the PD is current, and your dependents file also that only the Primary counts towards the quota, dependent GC's do not count towards the employment based visa quota - so this may be a moot point as to whether or not they should be in the family or employment based lists.
    Much like when you file for an H1B, the H4 for your dependants does not count agains the overall H quota.

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  • knnmbd
    05-04 02:37 PM
    Im really not sure if this helps EB3 cases. for example in my case i have a bachelors degree + 10 years expereince and stuck in EB3. I dont think this will help me because I dont have an US degree.

    Correct me if im wrong.

    That is correct, but it will help thousands of people who come on F1 visas and then transition in to H1B and have their GC being processed. I think that we need to look at what the U.S wants to get out of all this too and not just our perspectives.


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  • andy007
    07-07 10:07 PM
    That's nice to hear. Can he guess what would be the likely outcome? If the judge just takes USCIS/DOS to task then it doesn't help us.

    1. Will they make the July visa bulletin current again?
    2. If not, will they allow everyone to file for EAD and AP?
    3. If neither #1 nor #2, will there be any financial reimbursement?



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  • letsgetit
    05-23 09:04 AM
    Sent email to senators in my area of virginia and also called the senators..Will call more and send emails.
    Thanks IV for the job you are doing...It is indeed commendable.


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  • alterego
    11-21 05:28 PM

    Accept my heartfelt sorry for your terrible diagnosis and please see that from the prayers and support of everyone here that yours is an unjust situation. Yet some of us bear this unjust burden.
    If there ever was a humanitarian reason to remove a waiting time for your family, it would be this, and I hope while you have a chance to see this is done. We take so much for granted in this life and get worked up over issues that in situations like this seem trivial.
    That said, I feel that you have done your part to earn the privilege of your family living in this great nation, I can't help but feel that in a compassionate and just nation such as the USA, your case should get a waiver of the normal waiting times. As you can see from this thread, virtually 100% of us would be happy to let you cut in line in front of us. I would think most Americans are likewise.
    You should definitely seek the assistance of a Lawyer to present your case to the USCIS. I think there are some provisions in place for situations such as yours to expedite such applications. A good lawyer will be able to guide you.

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  • ns007
    05-23 01:19 PM

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  • mqualique
    05-01 02:14 PM
    Applying EB PD but using Visa number from FB Quota would be a awesome. Not sure what complications this may cause on the FB side. This seems like a visa-leak (like memory leak) scenario from FB. This will put GC Holders dependents at a disadvantaged position as compared to us who don't have GC yet because EB PD will always be ahead to FB PD due to 'Visa-Leak'.

    05-03 03:17 PM
    Aren't H4 spouses considered as Immigrants ?

    :) sure you are otherwise you wouldn't be living here.

    I am not againist H4 guys but i can't help but laugh when H4 guys complain that they were being treated bad by not allowing them to work.

    One has to understand that US allows ppl on a certain basis and H4 is nothing but to join your spouse (or something like that for kids).

    One can request them to make a provision for H4 ppl to work but blaming that they haven't done that simply by fogetting on what basis they entered US.... hmmm i don't know.

    Questioning their speed of process and other irregular rules... yes i am with you but blaming them for above ... i don't think that is fair.

    08-29 02:32 PM
    recieved July 5th at NSC @ 11.11 am signed by Heinauer ..
    no updates yet ! :confused:

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