Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lego Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars Psp

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  • abq_gc
    08-18 03:08 PM
    Think Once again,

    Processing application based on Priority dates which is applicable to Any Employement (EB1, EB2, EB3) or Even family categories, with respect to Quota for that catagories..

    Again as Somebody mentioned Earlier, its not going to get solved in 2-3 Months, So this will be helpful only from Futuristic purpose.

    Its Vision problem, But this can't be solved by Lawsuites, It needs discussions, Negotiations and Communication, By Who have access to USCIS representative. In a Nutshell IV or AILA Kind of group, need to bring on their agenda, if they think its in Best interest for everybody.

    Simply put i am used to standing in queue to Buy Coffe, and somebody gets priority I feel i've been bypassed.

    Agree with you completely... and I would like to add one more point is this unnecessary classification of EB-1, EB-2 and EB-3... we are all highly skilled among our respective fields.. and I don't think this classification does any justice... but I very well know this wont be solved in 2-3 days... so no use talking abt it.. i guess

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  • SanjayP
    06-25 11:36 PM
    H1B costs company money to employ, also too many H1B and they become H1B Dependent company. There are many reason that are not racist related so think.

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  • dilber
    04-22 04:57 PM
    May Mehul rest in peace.

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  • sai948
    04-05 11:12 PM
    I am not sure if opening SR helps, especially for TSC. I opened SR 30 days ago and still waiting. They have not scheduled me yet for an appointment.

    Me too raised 2 SR with TSC, no use


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  • logiclife
    05-03 08:06 PM
    Here is how the parties in general stand on immigration:

    Democrats: They support immigration in general. But their sympathies lie with low-skills, low-wage workers who mostly enter illegally.

    Republicans: They oppose immigration in general, ESPECIALLY the illegal variety. However, they overwhelmingly support hi-tech immigration(and hi-tech immigration is mostly legal, I havent met a scientist or a Java programmer working illegally :) ) because of their close relationship to businesses and their pro-business attitude in general.

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  • calgirl
    07-20 03:15 PM
    Was asking in general..

    If you are asking just about this thread, yes there is a spreadsheet tracking this.

    If in general, i am sorry i am not aware of anything.


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  • chanduv23
    06-23 06:36 AM
    Those who think, their employer is OK - be extra extra cautious. Never, never believe employers. Bottom line is, employers will not care for u, if they know u r gonna benefit out of this, they will do everything they can to avoid this. Most desi employers indulge in sweet talks. Talks will be extremely sweet. Just like how they talk to u before u join the company.

    GC filing is a carrot that employers thrive on. They will do anything to aqvoid this situation.

    Remember, your problems are not over after filing 485 also. The so called prospective employers who always told u, "I will hire you, if you have a GC or EAD" will now give some other excuse. Basically they want to put u in a position where u have less chances of bargain, thats the whole deal.

    Lotsa people go by self employment after filing for EAD (Dunno how - maybe some IV members can explain this) and still do contracting and safely see themselves through their GC.

    So basically, we are on our own here. For those dealing with desi employers - I can tell u one thing. U can handle the situation with sweet talk and some diplomacy - desi employers have their own fears. But those dealing with American employers - be extra careful - HR personnel etc... who have sympathy for layed off workers etvc... will try to screw u big time on ur back. If they decide to screw u - they will do it big time and none of ur diplomacy will work there - believe me, I gone through this.

    Be smart - stay on top of things, don't waste time and get things done in all possible ways. Get employer letter in whatever way u can. (If you have a letterhead - u know what I am saying ....)

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  • ramus
    07-07 10:17 PM
    Please mention how many members from family..

    IF we get minimum 1000 then we can talk to core members.

    I think we should have a poll for DC rally and it should be on IV home page so that every visitor know about it and poll.


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  • gcformeornot
    01-29 05:54 PM
    in trouble. I am not on H1 but I think the moment you get H1, in this case COS from H4 to H1 within few months you should have paying job. There will be problem at time of extension if no paystubs are present. Bench or not employer need to Pay H1b if he has hired one.

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  • kalyan
    09-10 05:04 AM

    Though i can't do it, as i am in India after my Visa Denial, some group of people should adopt Gandhiri priniciples and do a fast unto death principile before the White House while others should support all the people who are fasting.

    Otherwise, our talks will never get noticed.

    India got 52Billion $ in Remittances . Most of them from US. No GC means more remittances.

    Think collectively and do something big.


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  • akhilmahajan
    02-26 10:27 PM
    Thanks a lot everyone.

    Grand Total - $2062

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.


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  • kingnaga
    09-17 05:57 PM
    July 3rd, NSC. Waiting....


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  • Ramba
    07-10 02:11 PM
    Lot of discussion on self employment w.r to AC21. Here is my thought. To use AC21 w.r to self employment one need not open a company. One can even do simple business model (sole proprietorship) in line with the definition of self employment as per IRS. IRS or Labor department is the one defines the �self-employment� not USCIS. Having said that, one should have a legitimate business and paper work and contract to prove.

    Let�s see a simple example. A restaurant applied an I-140 for a cook. This cook wants to use AC21. He need not open a new restaurant and employs himself as a cook. A cook may not afford to open a business. He may not even require registering a business. All he needs is obey the sole proprietorship /independent contractor definition as per IRS and pay all the taxes and do the business as per rule. In this business model, if he lined up few long term contract with two or three big hotels to provide cooking service, or even provide cooked food from his home, and making similar income as per I-140, that will be enough to claim AC21. All he needs is legitimate self employment as per IRS rule, and good paperwork to claim that, in case of RFE.

    Independent Contractor (Self-Employed) or Employee? (,,id=99921,00.html)

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  • vineet
    02-09 04:16 PM
    Unique Transaction ID #93T0361H607470F


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  • guchi472000
    04-30 09:54 AM

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  • tonyHK12
    02-17 02:59 PM
    Positive programming. Could we start it inside ourselves first? Stop ranting and lamenting?

    The point is not that tri-state was crooked etc. The point is, they got the cash because they made themselves known as an entity that does some service

    Same with IV. If IV is just a rant board, who will believe? We must change IV!

    I would prefer if you didn't edit my replies. Of course its each persons preference to think his posts are ideas and others are rants.
    Lets delete posts that are not relevant to this thread.


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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    12-13 11:54 AM
    I posted to topic "My concern- Skill in 2009"...then came proud american..derailed us off track and then we forgot our back to the route....what action are we talking to intorduce this Eb interm relief Bill in senate in Jan..I think we need an input from Core members about how to proceed here..

    Each of us write to all out state senators and also important once like Nance pelosi, on...about providing some non-contraversial releif...we need to mention those and send LEGIBLE HAND WRITTEN LETTERS without spelling mistakes and send it fedex.....Send it during Chirstmas forget to mention God Bless America...just explain in simple words that we have been waiting for some relief from 2001 and have not seen any...please consider passing these non-contraversial issuses....I think they are reasonable and would agree....also mention that we have been dodged like a football saying skill/CIR and so on....
    Better yet a skillfull person writing this and all of us using this...

    Target is to intorduce the EB interm bill by End of Jan

    Yes let us get back on track. Core members please respond with comments about interim relief in January.

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  • Murthy
    11-19 04:36 PM
    Please contact members of congress by clicking on the action alert below.

    It will only take less than a minute for you. We are requesting adding amendments in the DREAM Act coming up. This campaign will help the DC advocacy work we are doing on this bill. - Advocacy -- DREAM Act: Help the Legal Immigrants (

    Please spread the word everywhere for more participation

    Please post on this thread once you have sent the email. Keep this thread up for the next few days.

    I sent it and got receipt confirmation e-mails from Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. and Congressman Joe Sestak.But I never got copy of e-mail to my inbox.

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  • Green.Tech
    03-25 10:19 PM
    I tried doing that. Convinced the employer to file a new labor for a new position, advertized again, filed a new labor under PERM, applied for a new I-140 and waited for a year for approval ... now the I-140 has been denied for A2P and is under appeal; I must confess that I have lost hope that it'll get re-opened and approved.

    So all my efforts for getting a EB2 140 have failed.....what do you recommend, I start this entire process again. Even if I'm willing to bear the cost, the employer will not file yet another labor.

    EB3 wait is my only way out now......


    Good point, gene. Folks think that switching to EB-2 is easy enough...not really...esp. with no PP for 140...It can take years to convert in the present situation...and a lot of companies are not interested to file second labor or 140...

    Hang in there mate...

    07-09 06:08 PM
    Excellent job!
    But should we remove the contact number of Vikas Chowdhry from the article -- ??

    Done! Although we might get protests from people claiming this is more Munna Bhai than Gandhigiri!

    08-02 10:21 AM

    Just checking if anyone in this thread got his/her check encashed this morning.

    I saw a user in other thread. Received at NSC on Jun 25th, transfered to TSC, got checks cleared today...

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