Friday, July 1, 2011

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  • santb1975
    02-10 04:50 PM
    and good job on the funds raised so far. I will contribute 50$ when we reach 5K. This is in addition to my recurring monthly contribution

    Thanks a lot AK_GC.

    Grand Total - $1260

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


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  • petepatel
    07-30 07:25 AM
    Priority Date is Nov 2004

    Havent had any LUDS since July 3, I hope your thinking is the way it goes :rolleyes:

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  • priderock
    05-11 04:09 PM
    i was feeling a lil down too for the last cupl of days...responding to some of those posters/reading their comments on alipac really brought me down.

    however i m feeling better now seeing the drama on immigration portal june visa bulletin thread...not that i am a drama monger.. but seeing drama between two professionals really spices things up.. why else are boxing and wwf interesting

    Could'nt resist reading whole thread....

    Oh BTW , Did I tell you guys that I am CEO of a fortune 100 company , but spend time on these forums to kill some time. :D :D :D And I will delete all my posts if any one offends me :) :) :)

    PS: You don't get the joke unless you have gone through that thread...


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  • karthiknv143
    09-28 02:35 PM D

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  • akhilmahajan
    02-26 10:27 PM
    Thanks a lot everyone.

    Grand Total - $2062

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.



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  • jgh_res
    07-20 02:25 PM
    I pledged 100 $ today for Aman's expenses because I felt really bad abt that. I donated around 300$ till date including 20$ recurring contribution.
    I filed my 485 long time ago. But when people who are really seeing the fruits of IV (July VB reversal) are higly reluctant to donate even a few bucks, while they are spending thousand's of dollars for their 485 stuff, I am kinda confused.
    Are people really that selfish not to donate a few bucks(may be 5$per month) to an organization which is making them file 485 and reversed all this fiasco.

    Zoooom, Anzeraja & All pledgers,

    Thanks for driving this effort. Subsequent to Aman's post, we can direct these pledges to the normal contribution drive for IV.

    It was amazing to see such response to call for funds for Aman and other core members.

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  • dingdong12
    11-18 07:15 PM
    for me and the wife


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  • suavesandeep
    07-20 12:17 AM
    I pledge $100 for this cause also.

    Would also like to thank Gopal (gsc999) for getting all the banners done and helping a lot in organizing the SJ rally.Kudos to all Noble souls in the IV Core. I think what IV has acheived is amazing and unprecedented. Also money is too small to repay all the hours and work you guys have put in.

    I am sure God will bless all of you with a timely GC :). Best Wishes again.

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  • mpadapa
    08-18 04:16 PM
    8 pages of little substance..:D

    Problem: USCIS is not following FIFO

    Why are they not following FIFO: Becoz they don't want to waste visa's. If I am USCIS what am I supposed to do. If I waste visa I get smacked. If I try to use up visa I get smacked ;) So what am I supposed to do with the limited resources:confused:


    Provide a provision for USCIS to automatically recapture unused visa's - this will give USCIS a buffer so that they don't act crazy in the last quarter - This provision already exists in HR 5882, this benefits everyone

    Short Term - Gather a group of affected ppl and meet with USCIS and Immigration subcommittee chair's and present the issue and let Congress put pressure on USCIS to follow FIFO.

    Note: My understanding is that USCIS is not doing any unlawful thing (guidelines aren't a law) by not following FIFO, but however it is unfair.

    Best solution is HR 5882, it benefits everyone

    It is a shame to see high-skilled folks stoop to such low-levels (EB2-3 fights) just to get a card. Please have basic etiquette - respect for fellow professionals. EB1/EB2/EB3 is just a classification based on job description, America needs every category, so please respect those category members. Every category is inter depended on each other. For example: don't tell me that an EB1/2 fellow doesn't require EB3 folks for his/her professional growth.
    Please stop this EB1/2/3 category fights and focus on a long lasting solution to the retrogression problem.

    Let us have a healthy debate to solve the problem rather than fighting over silly comments..


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  • GCStatus
    09-15 01:07 PM
    Come up with the plan commander!

    First step - Gather information and strengthen the support. Once we reach a ballpark, arrange meetings, conference calls

    Finalise a lawyer ( MadhUVJ - has great suggestions on it )

    Preparing an Action Plan, will be out soon.

    Man-Woman-GC is gathering details.

    Please join us in this effort

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  • indigo10
    09-09 05:49 PM
    I read this as a status message of a CEO sometime back on linkedin:

    An egg, when broken from inside, brings in new life but if broken from outside, kills it.

    Please, don't let the immigration process break you. Join IV (and us) and fight it...until we break it for a better change.

    Good quote, well said...


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  • VMH_GC
    07-09 04:32 PM
    Thanks gcForV,
    Am ready to send emails to major newspaper organisations and show hosts.

    This website has links of most of the talk show hosts. Right click on the individual email links to get address.

    Subject: Flowers to Convey Hopes and Concerns of Skilled, Legal Immigrants
    Dear ****,
    I would like to get to your attention the peaceful campaign of Hundreds of legal, highly-skilled workers, who feel disappointed by the recent "flip-flop" enacted by the Department of State (DoS) and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), with regards to eliminating the Green-Card processing delays, plan to send flowers to the USCIS Director, Emilio Gonzalez
    Please find below/attached the article related to this.
    --copy of the article and attachment--

    modified some base content.How does this look?

    If we individually send to all the talk show hosts we are bound to get some attention.Core group what do U think:Should this mails be sent individually by each of us or are the administrator's going to mail the talkshow hosts?

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  • syzygy
    09-14 04:14 AM
    No single person can do this alone. A big group like IV should / must sue USCIS.


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  • walking_dude
    10-08 04:07 PM
    How do you know its rare? Do you know every Indian, every Chinese, every Mexican, every Phillipino [ all non-ROW countries] who has ever applied for EB GC? Mathew Oh posting about it shows it's being used by substantially.

    In the same stroke, if we count the people who got stuck behind despite earlier PDs using real statistics, it may turn out to be less than 'Alternate Chargeability' + American spouse cases. Most people have been getting GCs by PDs!

    Labour substituition is no longer allowed. But thousands of Substitution labors got approved just prior to July 16th(?) DOL deadline. So how trustworthy is the "holy" PD?

    How many Indians do you know who have married sri lankans or pakistanis??? Its rare and its not worth making an issue.

    India/China has huge population and therefore the number of applications far exceed ROW. Now who is to blame? Our parents? Our nation? Our politicians?

    Labour substituition----Now thats bad...but its no longer allowed

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  • Springflower
    08-30 04:37 PM
    Mine & my wife's I-485/EAD/AP applications reached NSC on July 6th.

    Waiting for receipt notices and checks to be cashed.

    Contributed $50. Signed up for $50/month recurring contribution.

    PD: March 2004 (EB3 - India)
    Labor approved: Jan 2006
    I-140 approved: Feb 2006 (NSC)
    I-485/EAD/AP applied: July 6th, 2007 (NSC)
    Checks cashed: ?
    Receipts received: ?


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  • logiclife
    03-08 10:46 AM
    Yes, and a lot of people know that there are highly skilled people who are depressed and that takes a toll on employee productivity.

    After all, if 90% of your time is spent on thinking about BECs and visa bulletins, imagine if that time was spent on doing the job they've hired you for.

    Some employers(like Microsoft) realize this and want to do something about it. Its not just about keeping the best and brightest here in USA. Its also about keeping the morale and productivity up.

    As to how to deal with this...try this.

    Call your local congressman's office(Find out info about that from, with your zipcode). Get an appointment with congressman. There is an Easter recess coming up when they would be back from DC.

    Then talk to him about all issues you have. Take all the material you need from the "Volunteer" menu item of this website.

    Doing something about the problem is the best therapy there is. I am not saying this because I want to coax you into meeting your congressman. No. That's not the objective. But I think action is the best remedy for this problem. And there is actionable stuff to do about this. If you are suffering from terminal cancer, then you really cant do anything about that. This is not such a problem. This is a problem for which the solution is out there.

    Somehow, after landing in this country, people lose the appetite for risk and adventure. Before they are in here, they would move mountains to score an H1 or an F1. After coming here, they hunker down, heads-under-the-desk kind of approach. What I am talking about is nearly 200 people right now, who have read this post, but havent logged in. They wouldnt log in. They wouldnt give their real email address if they sign up. They would never contribute. WHY? Because they are afraid. That they will be deported. For no reason. Everything we do is legal, including raising funds and spending it on lobbying. But they are afraid. They are also afraid that by talking to congressmen, they will make them mad and the congressman will pick up the phone, call USCIS and then get their 140 cancelled. Yes. People create their own fastasies and become afraid of them..

    Yesterday, nearly 2000 Irish illegals went to capitol hill and talked to various lawmakers to lobby for CIR and legalization. They were illegals. Yet, the somehow managed to walk into the building where laws of this country are made, talk to people who make the laws that they have broken, go thru Capitol Hill security check, and look into the eye of the lawmaker and talk to them.

    However, our community, this is how they behave. Forget about talking to congressman, or contributing money. When they call the core group with a question, they block the caller id can call. Dont disclose their name too. Ask a questions and then quickely hang up. Some of them want to contribute with cash because they are not willing to believe us that we are doing everything legal here and its their right to lobbying and petition the Government for problems.

    After paying taxes, after following all immigration laws, after getting all the education in the world to become "Highly skilled", the highly skilled cant bring themselves to stand-up with a straight spine, thump their desk and talk to their lawmaker.

    So at the end of the day, if we are depressed that legals dont get attention, then you know where to look for blame : the highly skilled who are highly educated and too afraid because their education and skills make them think too much and analyze too much, and they are afraid all the time.

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  • tonyHK12
    02-01 10:31 AM
    I have been thinking in similar lines for quite sometime now. I have decided to wait till September 2012 to see if dates reach my PD which is October 2007.
    If not i am strongly looking at New Zealand too...
    Whats wrong with Canada? I see many don't mention it these days. I guess its pretty decent for technology.

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  • PDOCT05
    08-20 11:42 AM
    140- approved by TSC 6/06
    LUD - 7/28/07
    485 - sent to NSC on 7/03..
    No response yet..

    Me too same response yet..

    07-20 12:02 PM
    Thanks Zooom, for starting this thread. I've mentioned about IV Core's selfless service in our 'Thanks' thread couple of days ago but didn't know about the magnitude. $64k is helluva money and its just not right coming from one pocket to favor thousands of others. Aman and other core, day by day you raise above and beyond our imaginations as a leader and guide. We assure you that you will not pay another single dime from your pocket.

    I pledge $100 to Reimburse the core team now and more later.
    And I am sure with the kind of response we have been getting it won't be hard to raise a significant amount....

    07-28 11:33 AM
    1) You are "a highly educated (for those that care) Executive that went to Top Private Universities in the US"
    2) You built a billion dollar corporation
    3) You are threatening to have all EB2 applications audited if your point of view is not accepted by someone

    You need help. Go see a shrink.

    I dont think he 'threatened' EB2. He challenged. But if you were frightened, it is not his problem. who should go where?!

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