Sunday, July 3, 2011

I Love You In Japanese

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  • swissgear
    08-25 04:34 PM
    No approvals today? Whats going on???

    There were a couple of approvals today from TSC by looking at the other site.But slowed down a lot. Maybe USCIS is taking a break this last week and preparing for the next month:)

    wallpaper I Love You In Japanese Kanji. I Love You In Japanese. P.S. I Love You 2007 DVD
  • P.S. I Love You 2007 DVD

  • sayonara
    08-30 04:38 PM
    Got the receipts for 485 applied on July 2nd to NSC. NSC--> TSC transfer. Notice date of 8/23.

    Congrats - Did u file on July 2nd?

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  • minimalist
    01-30 07:24 PM
    You effing ahole.. Are you following any news lately? See how many states are trying to take criminal action against those who made such loans falsifying the documents. The ones who "made" the loans collaboarted with the borrower to bring up stated income.

    If you always "do the rght thing", for your way looking down on all others , you should go kill yourself. That is the right thing to do for the way you live without compassion, not being able to make an argument without calling names, death for you is the right thing. So, tell me how is that "right thing" coming along.

    Do some introspection and tell me that you never done a wrong thing in your life. Then we can discuss further, if you are ready to have a civil discussion without calling names.

    FYI, I haven't done what the original poster is being flamed for , but I understand why he may have done that.

    Don't confuse between taking legal risk with doing something illegal. You must be an idiot to think they are the same.

    Poeple that sold $500K home to those who make $40K were not doing anything illegal. What they were doing was irresponsible. It is the guy that was making $40K, but lied on his application that he was making $80K that is the criminal.

    And your assumption is that we are complaining about unethical behavior because we are in the US and we think that everyone in the US is ethical? How stupid are you? Sorry to burst your bubble, but we do not think so. I, and many like me, think we should do the right thing no matter where we are, here, India, or elsewhere.

    2011 P.S. I Love You 2007 DVD I Love You In Japanese. I Love You In Japanese
  • I Love You In Japanese

  • vinabath
    04-19 10:43 PM
    I work for company A which sent me to client C through company B(Prefered vendor). After working with the same client for 1.5 yrs, transfered my h1b to company B(PF) due to issues with the pay with company A. Company A has deducted huge sum of money($4000) from my last months pay towards PERM filing(Still under process). Upon demanding them to reimburse my money saying that its against law, they r threatening me saying that based on non-compete agreement they will take legal action against me.
    I am not actually aware of the clauses in the agreement. company B(PF) told me that it does not have any clauses in its agreement with company A prohibiting them from taking me.Though i requested company A to provide me a copy of non-compete, they said i signed with them, they haven�t. The company is located in NJ and not sure how non-competes work under NJ state law.
    I am really frustated upon this blackmail and going thru lot of pressure. The amount is too big too leave and cannot afford to hire a lawyer in case they file suit based on non-compete. even if i had signed a non compete agreement how does it stand as it is conflicting the agreement which company a signed with PF sayign tht upon my termination of the emplyment with them, Pf can take me without any gap period... what can i do to get my money. they also refused to provide me with experience letter which i need for my future GC filing.
    Plz give me ur valuable inputs

    i think as long as you are not working for the same client after you moving to the preferred vendor you should be good. Usually non-competes are created to protect their business. this is the simple non-compete. i think there are 2 solutions in your situation.

    1. If company A is doing lot of business with company B or Client. You can ask help for the vendor or client to convince A. usually A should will oblige as they might risk future business from Vendor or Client.

    2. As you have already told which company you would be working for.... ask A for a raise.....

    As far experience letters are concerned...... they have to give it.


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  • I#39;m not a fan of Japanese

  • GKBest
    10-17 11:42 AM
    July 3rd filer received by R. Williams. Check cleared TODAY:p. However, the checks for my derivative beneficiaries hasn't been cashed.:confused:

    Do they look inside the packet? How long should I wait to check if their applications weren't missed or misplaced? We are all in one packet.

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  • Japanese Symbol quot;I love youquot;

  • Karthikthiru
    10-08 12:59 PM
    I came to US in 1996 as a student and graduated in 1999. Since then I have switched jobs and I am currently with a Priority date of oct, 2006(EB2). Even within this employer first they filed under EB3 even though it could have been filed under EB2 (Not becasue they are bad - becasue the employer don't know much about immigration). After I requested the employer, they filed a new labor on Oct, 2006. So if the priority date is based on the years of experience, it will be nice for me. But the main issue that all of us are facing is VISA availabilty. If this can be taken care, all of the issues will be taken care

    Overall the current immigration system is screwed-up. It really needs a major change. That is the main problem


    having been in the US since 2001, losing out my LC/PD to the dot-com bust and finally ending up with a PD of 2006, I second that. PD should be based on number of years of experience or years of stay in the US or amount of taxes paid till now or something like that.

    In any case what we WANT is very different from what we usually get from this immigration system and there are bigger more important battles for IV to fight. Look, if there is no retrogression PD almost does not matter!! THATS the right fix. END RETROGRESSION!


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  • Japanese symbol for I Love You

  • jessie1981
    06-12 11:47 AM

    I filed on June 5th and TSC received my package on June 6th. Still my Checks hasnt cleared.

    I filed 485/EAD/AP on May 31st and TSC received on June 1st. My checks haven't been cleared yet. TSC is said to be the slowest one. In a chinese forum, several people whose PD became current on June 1st got 485 approved recently. Their cases were all transferred to NSC recently.

    BTW, how long will it take to get EAD? I sort of remember that it takes at most 3 months.

    2010 I Love You In Japanese I Love You In Japanese. Sticker: JAPANESE: I LOVE YOU

  • qasleuth
    03-09 11:11 PM

    Here you go...Answer to your question is in the below thread. Please come forward and also ask your friends to contribute.

    You did raise some good points on how to sell the concept in terms of what 'tangible' benefits can we see in the near future and we now seem to have the opportunity.


    I could convince 3 of my colleagues who are READY RIGHT NOW to contribute $1000.00 each. I can do $500.00.
    But they asked me just one question. What is the action plan that IV is collecting these monies from prospective immigrants who are already in pain due to this economy and all that. I did tell them about July 07, flower campaign, but they are not willing to listen. They said they did not contribute at that time due to some reasons, but they now want to contribute big way. They have a much bigger friend's circle than mine who are also doing good from top schools who may contribute too. They may also register in IV soon.
    But their only question is "What is the action plan for FUTURE". Can you please help.
    I am confused myself with the same question, no offense. Like me, they wouldnt wait and wait forever for things to happen. We Strongly believe in any action towards goals. Trust me, we need lots of money, but the way they responded made me feel uncomfortable.


    I Love You In Japanese. Japanese quot;I Love youquot;shirt.
  • Japanese quot;I Love youquot;shirt.

  • sathishkrish
    11-21 10:40 AM

    I have a unique position. couple of weeks back I was told that have fatal cancer and won't live pass 4-6 months. After recovering from initial shock I am wondering if my wife will be able to continue her american dream or she will have to head home after me.

    I have filed 485 with approved 140 back in june, 2007 with PD of March, 2003

    Please help.


    Dear Mehul,

    I am really shocked to hear this and I pray god that you fully recover from this ordeal. I am going to call my Attorney to see if he has any options out.


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  • svg108
    05-23 11:18 PM
    Sent emails to all the senators in the list.

    Nicely done Logiclife.




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  • Japanese Symbol quot;I love youquot;

  • gsc999
    10-08 05:39 PM
    But please, just trying to beat around the bush is not going to help anyone here for that matter not just me alone. You suggestion of sending flowers seems like that is the only solution to all the problems. I would say the reversal of the July 2 visa bulletine didn't just happen because of the flowers the members sent, the law suit AILA wanted to file against USCIS was one of the major reason apart from the California's Lawmakers letter. So please don't try to cut peoples idea by trying to belittle them, if you don't agree with them it is ok, if everyone agreed on the same thing life will be so dull.
    Your post is highly misinformed and members aren't surprised by your lack of correct information, you mention in your profile that you don't want to volunteer and you didn't attend the DC rally. No wonder you are disconnected from reality about how far IV has come. It is a fact and all members know this, IV scooped the July visa reversal news.

    Please stop living in the blunderland and face the reality. IV was a big reason, we never clam to be the sole reason. We work with other stakeholders. Without a grassroot effort none of the other constituents would have been effective. You mention about the AILA lawsuit "threat," well, why didn't they actually file the lawsuit? We agree that the lawmaker's letter was instrumental in the July visa fiasco reversal. We had an unprecedented San Jose rally by legal immigrants.

    You need to get serious and need to contact your state chapter leader to get some more information about IV.
    Stop misinforming others! It is about time IVers realized their infuence and exploit their full potential. Don't let such misinformed comments affect your efforts.

    hot I#39;m not a fan of Japanese I Love You In Japanese. I Love You In Japanese.
  • I Love You In Japanese.

  • vkrishn
    09-25 12:21 PM
    Mr RSharama, it's 'A's ignorance of the process. He should be aware at the time of starting the Masters that GC is based on the position in the queue ( no body's gives a rat's if the person in front of you is a retard). Porting was legal in 2005 and it is now. there is no change in Law.
    You can't compare porting with labor substitution. For porting, you have to go through the complete process and not just throw some dollars.

    Same logic applies to people who say "I was eligible to file for EB2, but my employer/lawyer forced me to file on EB3".
    It's the ignorance of process, if you are eligible for EB2 .. go join any other company.. it's America .. for God's sake..

    If it doesn't suit me it's injustice.

    "Same logic applies to people who say "I was eligible to file for EB2, but my employer/lawyer forced me to file on EB3".
    It's the ignorance of process, if you are eligible for EB2 .. go join any other company.. it's America .. for God's sake.. "

    Agree.. Most of the Top companies file based on the skill set and Qualification and do file EB2 for people who satisfy that requirement. Its the Desi consulting companies who do all the crappy stuff on earth.

    Top companies file EB2 for M.S Degree holders and thats what the law says. If one employer does not file under EB2 even after you are eligible for it move to another one. If you have the correct skillset you should be able to find another job.


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  • 485Mbe4001
    03-26 02:07 PM
    i know for a fact that 2 of my friends who were stuck in namecheck and had current PD got their GC approval emails 3-4 days after the rule was passed. I have EB3 PD of mid 2002 and was stuck in NC for 3+ years, i got a soft LUD one week after the rule was passed. it was the first LUD after 2 years.

    NC was hell and i hope people dont go through what we went.

    It is on main web page of IV.. How come I can be ignorant even if I wanted to be?:)

    Yes, it would "improve" Name Check with coparision to what we have observed so far. But it still have following loop holes and flaws.


    Now I generally read and analyze. Do not just read.:)

    (1)180 days period is from the "Date of FBI Name Check initiation. It is not
    from 485 receipt date. Nobody knows when USCIS will initiate FBI Name
    Check. So I see a big playground for USCIS to play if it decides to play.
    What if uSCIS sends FBI name check initiation after 2 years of 485 receipt?
    Do we have a way to know or keep an eye on USCIS about this? At least I
    do not know and if somebody has the information please share it.

    (2) "If 485 Otherwise is processable" then USCIS can go ahead without
    waiting for NC check... What if USCIS decides to keep 100000 cases on
    rack eating dust just by not moving the processing date for particular
    service center? This you can see right now.. USCIS is making Texas slow
    day by day not moving processing date. I remember Texas was ahead
    with comparison to Nebraska around May to August 2007. If this happens your case is no more "processable".. Yes you can say that you are not stuck in NC queue but you will be stuck. USCIS may come up with altogether different startegy... To align processing times with FBI processing and FBI NC initiation. That may screw the things further.

    tattoo Japanese Symbol quot;I love youquot; I Love You In Japanese. I Love You In Japanese Kanji.
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  • Macaca
    12-10 10:06 AM
    I am doing the following even if there are 0 takers.

    Educate lawmakers about retorgression.
    Prioritize interim options based on controversial factor. Some forum posts have good ideas.
    Start right now. I don't know how to enjoy holidays without any hope.

    I don't understand all the issues (like EAD). In order to proceed, I am trying to understand (= validate + document) the

    process and platform (senate/congress) on which retrogression will be addressed.
    process and platform on which interim measure can be introduced.
    effect of each interim measure.


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  • The word/concept of quot;Lovequot;

  • Green.Tech
    03-25 10:19 PM
    I tried doing that. Convinced the employer to file a new labor for a new position, advertized again, filed a new labor under PERM, applied for a new I-140 and waited for a year for approval ... now the I-140 has been denied for A2P and is under appeal; I must confess that I have lost hope that it'll get re-opened and approved.

    So all my efforts for getting a EB2 140 have failed.....what do you recommend, I start this entire process again. Even if I'm willing to bear the cost, the employer will not file yet another labor.

    EB3 wait is my only way out now......


    Good point, gene. Folks think that switching to EB-2 is easy enough...not really...esp. with no PP for 140...It can take years to convert in the present situation...and a lot of companies are not interested to file second labor or 140...

    Hang in there mate...

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  • Japanese Symbol quot;I love youquot;

  • rajuseattle
    08-15 03:40 PM
    Hello BRIT_GS

    Was your I-140 applied in Premium Processing?


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  • kdprasad
    08-13 07:59 PM
    Signature has all relevant information. I-140 was approved August 2005.

    Did the Checks get cashed.!!!

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  • GC_Optimist
    10-27 10:38 AM
    Congress is going to meet on Nov 13. after the elections.

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  • Japanese Symbol quot;I love youquot;

  • bhp2301
    05-12 09:25 PM
    Ghasleit and dustbin ftw:D


    02-04 11:31 AM
    If US employer agrees to retain you as a consultant working from India. Can one continue to work for US employer on Indian salary as a consultant employed by Indian consulting firm? As a consultant we can come for a 3 month visit on B1/B2 and continue family life in India. Do you see any issues here?

    05-01 04:32 PM
    Take this scenario.

    Under current "mis categorized quota" setup a EB3 takes 6 years to get GC for entire family. take this following scenario.

    So the diff
    current primary @ebquota - 6 years minimum
    current derivative @ebquota - 6 years minimum
    correct primary @ebquota - less than 2 years approx ( one person in place of 3)
    correct derivative @fbquota - say 7 years.

    The diff will be approx 1 year for the derivative ( 7 years – 6 years ) when they are moved from ebquota to fbquota.

    again it cannot be more than 7 years ( 2 years primary GC + 5 years primary USC). the primary will get citizenship in 5 years and sponser the wife with in 2 to 3 months. so the diff cannot be more that a year. for derivative.

    Remember this point: this is not change of law. this is the correct interpretation of law).
    If it is not today some one will bring it up to CIS very soon.

    If you are USC and then you are talking abou the FB2. Not for the GC holder. So will have to wait for years.

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